Dear Mr. Gaddis,
I wanted to compliment you on your "Harlem Hellfighters" series.
Although I do not game in that period, I was moved to Wikipedia the names of many of the figures you memorialize. As a former NY Army Reservist, I was of course aware of the Harlem Hellfighters, but I did not realize that so many wen on after the war to make such important contributions in a range or areas. It was quite educational for me. I also found your use of the adrian helmet with the US uniform to be quite appropriate in reflecting the fact that they fought with French forces.
I hope you are enjoying success with Gaddis Gaming, and I hope that others are also enjoying your Harlem Hellfighters range as well as your other offerings.
I do visit your website from time to time, and it is likely that I will make a purchase in the near future.
Best regards,